Wednesday 31 May 2017

100 word story 2

Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   Success criteria
  1. Apostrophes
  2. Sentence starters
  3. Full stops. And comas,

Isnt it annoying when you dont know what to write because thats what is happening to me right now. Its annoying because everyone else has a great or even awesome stories that they have been doing for the last half an hour which would be nice for me but I cant think of anything but I can think of a big fat wide orange crocodile that has collapsed. Actually if you think of that is quite weird and cool like a collapsed crocodile I have never seen that before I dont think many other people have as well bye.

100 word story

Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   Success criteria
  1. Sentence starters
  2. Full stops. and comma,
  3. Apostrophes
What are you eating?
How does it taste?
How should it taste?
Is there something wrong with it or is it you?


Cookie monster

Who took all my cookies from that jar!!! You what are you eating and how does it taste is it yum better say yes or you give me my cookies from your stomach so how are they I made them with eyes,boogies,dribble and spew suddenly he said no but how sould it taste.Then he ran away but the cookie monster caught up with the man how should it taste he said and the cookie monster said delicious and he said that I wasnt so called delicious well there is there something wrong with it or is it you, you should love It like everyone else does and like me.

  • What are you eating?
  • How does it taste?
  • How should it taste?
  • Is there something wrong with it or is it you?

selfie writting

Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   Success criteria

  1. Sentence starters.
  2. Full stops. and commas
  3. apostrophes’

Selfie writing - first draft

Wait what where am Ive got a lamborghini that has just been painted in purple and orange.I cant drive Im too young, AHH someones coming gotta get out of here.No hang on they are going somewhere whos that, that is KSI and this is his lamborghini!!! They’re gone now but now I need to get out of here, Im trapped with all the doors shut and here comes the pigs.Nine years later just got out of prison then the world ends no ones alive any longer.

succse criteria

Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs

Use a variety of sentence lengths   Success criteria