Sunday 3 September 2017

sick sentences and speech

a million matchbox houses’ is an example of alliteration. Can you create an alliterative sentence to describe something else the skydivers might see beneath them

A trillion houses  getting closer and closer by the second and the water was getting darker and darker and holding for his life.

Sick Sentences
These sentences are sick and need your help to get better.
Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.

Sam terrified with his skydiving mates as they held on to each other with their lives at skeak. It was terrifying screams sam.

I think dogs are better than cats

To start us off,  if a burglar came too close to your house your dog would start yapping its mouth off and what would a cat do? Come and jump on you and say meow? I believe they wouldn’t even do that because they’re either too lazy or asleep not caring about a thing (That’s why dogs are better than cats).

Secondly dogs are way more energetic than cats, do you see a cat go to a park and play fetch?   I’ve seen a dog go to a park and play fetch but I’ve never seen a cat walk with their owner to a park and  play fetch (That’s why dogs are better than cats).

There are a lot more benefits of owning a dog, for instance dogs are more potty-trained than cats because when my dog needs to go to the toilet she  barks and then I let her to the toilet. But when it comes to cats don’t they just try and hide it under a bed or on the floor. And dogs don’t need litter boxes so you can actually save money (That’s why dogs are better than cats).

Did you know that scientists said that dogs can make us fit by needing to go out for runs/walks everyday. So that means if we take them and if they get fit then we get fit at the same time (That’s why dogs are better than cats).

Dogs will bring you your slippers and then you go and put your glasses on to see what’s happening and then you see your cat with a dead mouse in it’s mouth and puts it in your slippers without you realising. Then when you go to stand in your slippers and what do you feel some squishy feeling and wetness wait you look at your feet no its blood pouring out then you have to go and buy some new slippers (That’s why dogs are better than cats).

Lastly cats are killing lots of endangered birds per year so that could mean that they are, killers!!! Soon we will not have any species of birds all because of cats and because no one listened to me saying that dogs are better than cats. Like come on people, listen with your taringas. Then that means we could actually have some birds in this country. That also means if you have a pet bird and a pet cat you will no longer have a bird during the night unless you have fed it like a good pet owner (That’s why dogs are better than cats).

So in conclusion, trade in your pussy cat for a tough, protective won’t be sorry.
That’s why I think dogs are better than cats!!!

As they floated peacefully through the air, Sam noticed something unusual, just at the foot of the Palm’s trunk. His eyes widened as it came into view with the cars and soon coming in range to see the people and his eyes started to water then boom goes the parachute.
Which are the adverbs in the sentences below? Highlight the adverbs.

      Bravely, Jimmy urged his bike to an even greater speed. The engine beneath him roared
      angrily as it responded to his touch. Clouds of dust flew up into his face, grit grazing
      his chin painfully.

    Sick sentences! These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better.

       Can you help?. Rewrite the sentence underneath the sick sentences.

    The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt    

       excited and scared.

The brave rider held on with fear yet excitement while dust flying at him at one hundred miles an hour.

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